Double Healix in a Day (in English)

Get acquainted with the most important aspects of the Double Healix model of Leadership. Find tools for your personal and professional development, as well as motives for social change. It is an engaging journey through the universal story that we as humans all live through in our own way. This training offers broader insights and strengthens your ability to reconcile contradictions.

On this day, we explore the structure of grand narratives through which humanity undergoes transformation: the journey from growth, flourishing, and decline, to eventual resurrection. We delve into the power of metaphors and the importance of narrative psychology for personal leadership, as well as for team and organisational development, and societal renewal.

We find ourselves, both locally and globally, in a time of transition, requiring new, unifying and activating stories founded on deep values. This transformation calls for us to become conscious of the narratives we (choose to) live in, and to identify the stories we need to create a better future for ourselves, future generations, and the Earth. In order to develop and tell these stories, it is essential to understand their universal structure, which shapes how we think and influences the patterns through which we either change or resist change.

Learn to use the Double Healix narrative psychology to strengen your personal leadership. Enrich your live and the world!

Practical information

For whom?
When will the next Double Healix in a Day take place?
What is the programme?
What is included?
What is the financial investment?
For whom?

This one day course is suitable for executives, HR managers, coaches, trainers, organizational consultants, social innovators, sustainability professionals, (corporate) storytellers, writers, directors and other media professionals, teachers, social workers, educators. People who want to learn from film clips (MovieLearning).

When will the next Double Healix in a Day take place?

In consultation with your group or organization we will set the date and discuss the venue. For a limited group of 15 participants, the training can also take place in our HQ in Haarlem (nearby Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

What is the programme?

Seminar programme

12+1 Phases of development
We elaborate on the 12 phases of development in the Double Healix model. Each phase has its challenges; the training zooms in on the behaviour required to successfully get through each phase. Which phase are you in?

7+1 Levels of leadership
Whether you are a professional, manager or director: the Double Healix model has mapped the current and universal challenges for each level. At which level do you want to have impact?

6+1 Tension fields
We deal with universal polarities that are the source of many conflict situations. Together with the participants, we explore which paradoxical reconciliations are possible, with the aim of making people and organisations function more effectively and meaningfully.

On this day, we will explore the above sometimes in depth, sometimes more globally or randomly. We will do targeted exercises to connect theory and practice.

What is included?

– Handouts
– When the training takes place at Double Healix HQ: coffee, tea & small snacks are included. Lunch is not included (there are shops and lunchrooms nearby, you can of course bring your own lunch and have it here).

What is the financial investment?

Price depends on number of participants, distance and number of trainers. After consulting with you, we will offer a quote.

The Double Healix model

The Double Healix Model offers a unique and integral vision for the development of leadership. Within this, there is focus on both the personal development of leaders, and the team, organisational, and societal context in which they operate. The model has three important components: phases, levels, and tension fields.


The MovieLearning Foundation aims to promote an Ecology of Meaning. We do this through an interactive learning environment based on film images and stories. In this way, the MovieLearning Foundation promotes inclusivity in thinking and acting, empathetic scope, and sustainability.


This training will be supervised by one of the following trainers.

References & testimonials

Register directly or get in touch

Would you like to register or do you have any questions? Please fill in the form below, and we will contact you shortly.


You can also call us: 0031-23-544 33 45 (or in The Netherlands: 023-5443345)

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