Female leadership

The best role models for your development

Research has shown that women need a greater diversity of female role models in their careers. Double Healix specialises in finding inspiring film clips of female leaders. The clips in the seminars, trainings, and online courses are aimed at supporting women in their professional development. They are also of value to men who mentor women.

Learning from role models
In our teachings we use hundreds of inspiring examples of female leadership. We have selected the best film clips from feature films and documentaries to ensure that participants are motivated to take the next step in their personal journey.

Live Training

Courageous Women
Research has shown that people have a desire for more female role models and sparring partners. In the live in-company Seminar and the online MovieLearning course, we offer many inspiring examples of female leadership. We do this using the 12 phases of leadership development as described in the Double Healix Model.
Courageous Women is a one-day incompany training to inspire women and men, learning from female examples. Practical information: For whom?What…
View the training

Online course

In-depth analyses

We discuss what behavioural change is needed to achieve more equality and diversity in society, and what this means for individuals.

All unique

The Double Healix Model for leadership assumes that we all experience a universal journey in a unique way. We both recognise ourselves in others and feel that we are not alone, and at the same time we shape our own passions, talents, and unique contributions to the greater whole.

More information about the online MovieLearning course:
‘Ladies in the Lead: Learning from female leaders’

References & testimonials
