Leadership and
personal development

Are you looking for an inspiring and effective leadership training? Double Healix provides leadership and personal development trainings at every level of influence.

Online MovieLearning courses

These are the online courses that we offer in English on our video learning platform. We offer many more courses in Dutch language, and we are in te process of translating those for international audiences. You can find all our online courses on www.movielearning.com.

Parenting Balances
This course is about recognizing and enduring tensionfields in parenting, and optimizing your responses to the child’s conflicting needs.
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Live Training

Leadership requires all-round personality development. It is about increasing your knowledge of yourself, your emotional intelligence, and your willingness to improve. Double Healix helps you to become the best version of yourself using appropriate examples from films. You learn to handle tension fields, to reconcile conflicts, and to see and communicate the bigger story. On this page, you will find an overview of our trainings for managers and leaders. Our trainings can be followed via open registration or in-company applications. We also have extensive experience in designing and executing long-term Management Development programs, and we are open and adaptive to your individual needs.

Double Healix in a Day (in English)
Get acquainted with the most important aspects of the Double Healix model of Leadership. Find tools for your personal and professional development, as well as motives for social change. It is an engaging journey through the universal story that we as humans all live through in our own way. This training offers broader insights and strengthens your ability to reconcile contradictions.
On this day, we explore the structure of grand narratives through which humanity undergoes transformation: the journey from growth, flourishing,…
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Upcycling of Leadership
The Double Healix term Upcycling refers to the principle that major societal changes follow the same patterns as small-scale personal, team or organizational development. The training Upcycling Leadership consists of discussing and experiencing so-called Upcycling Ladders: transformations of values to ever-higher levels of complexity and comprehensiveness. In this way you gain insight into how to elevate your own themes and how to help raise the competencies of your employees to a higher level of effectiveness, comprehensiveness and meaningfulness. You learn to recognize tensionfields and to better deal with them. In this way, you will learn to deal better with conflict and maintain your inner peace. The Double Healix model also offers a meta-framework and an overarching view in which leadership theories and leadership styles can be better understood.
Do you need a solid and comprehensive overview of leadership levels in order to facilitate development in your personal life,…
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Influence, power, and leadership
During this in-company training, Manfred van Doorn introduces you to the two most important ways to exercise influence: Engaging and Dictating. He will illustrate his story with beautiful film fragments about balance artists, who know how to combine both ways optimally.
All over the world, and in all eras, four cardinal values in human behaviour have been described: fortitudo opposite temperantia…
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Optimise team performance
How do you create a team that cooperates smoothly? How do you improve team performance? And what types of leadership are part of this? In this seminar it will be illustrated by means of remarkable, compelling and sometimes hilarious movieclips from films and documentaries.
Incompany teamtraining Triple-T: A good team goes through an intense journey before it functions optimally. The transition from a classically…
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Courageous Women
Research has shown that people have a desire for more female role models and sparring partners. In the live in-company Seminar and the online MovieLearning course, we offer many inspiring examples of female leadership. We do this using the 12 phases of leadership development as described in the Double Healix Model.
Courageous Women is a one-day incompany training to inspire women and men, learning from female examples. Practical information: For whom?What…
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Defence mechanisms in organisations and relations
What are defence mechanisms, and how can you recognise them? Which do you have, and the people around you? What is their use and when do they become counterproductive? How can you let go, temper them or replace them? What is the correspondence with concepts such as script, schedule, game and survival strategy? How do you sublimate your own themes? This training day offers essential knowledge to improve cooperation and interaction with others.
Which psychological defence mechanisms do people use, and how can you address them? In this one-day seminar on defence mechanisms,…
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DNA of Sustainability
Manfred van Doorn travels through the country to give lectures on sustainability. Contact us if you would like to organise one, or if you would like to be kept updated on the program.
Have you ever wondered why stories from all cultures and regions have the same structure? Leadership trainer and author Manfred…
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References & testimonials

In-company training

Double Healix offers in-company training for small and large groups. These are fully customized programs in which people learn more than just skills. Personal attitude and intrinsic motivation increasingly play an important role in the complexity of our contemporary society. More and more often, it is about who you are, and the story you bring.

Our experts always work interactively with the participants in our customized programs. On the basis of a carefully selected set of film clips, we enter into a dialogue with them and design exercises. In consultation and co-creation with you as the client, we design the whole process. Our presentations can range in length from one and a half hours to multi-day training. The Management Development programs that we help to set up and execute can take six months or several years.
