All over the world, and in all eras, four cardinal values in human behaviour have been described: fortitudo opposite temperantia (on the horizontal axis), and prudentia opposite justitia (on the vertical axis). For leadership, these values are extraordinarily important: only when these four strengths are balanced, can we speak of good governance, good parenting and good collaboration. The horizontal and vertical strengths come together in the heart, where we can taste, weigh, and influence the quality of our actions and experiences. It is the place where leadership originates, in the broadest sense of the word. Good leadership thus requires us to put the opposites into a creative tension field, to be able to work in a flexible and balanced manner within the horizontal and vertical power fields. During a one-day training we go into this in more depth. The theoretical concept we will be addressing is called The Double Healix Power Cross.
During a two-day training, we also look at the power triangles from within each cardinal value. Through this, we will connect the values and leadership competences with what is currently needed in the world, both in a personal sense and in teams and larger systems.

Practical information
Open registration: from 10 applications, a date will be determined
Incompany: in consultation with your organisation
Open registration: Double Healix, Hospeslaan 64, 2015 GL Haarlem
Incompany: Double Healix Haarlem or preferred location of the organisation
Open registration: 9:30 – approx. 17:00 (walk-in from 9:15)
Incompany: in consultation with the organisation
Open registration:
– A training day guided by international leadership trainer Manfred van Doorn
– Handout
– Coffee, tea and juice. Lunches are not included in the price. There are several lunch venues and shops in the vicinity of our company. You can of course also bring your lunch and have it here.
– In consultation: one or more training days
– Handouts
– Location and catering are provided by the requesting organisation (depending on group size, we can also organise the day at Double Healix).
The training is suitable for executives, managers, team leaders, organisational advisors, consultants, trainers, but also for (script) writers and filmmakers and anyone who wants to further develop the art of influencing with integrity.
We organise the training both at Double Healix (open-enrolment) and in-company.
Thinking level of the training is HBO+.
Open registration
The price of this workshop day is €245 pp (excl 21% VAT).
The price depends on the number of participants, trainers and training days. It will be determined in consultation with the organisation.
The Double Healix model
The Double Healix Model offers a unique and integral vision for the development of leadership. Within this, there is focus on both the personal development of leaders, and the team, organisational, and societal context in which they operate. The model has three important components: phases, levels, and tension fields.
The MovieLearning Foundation aims to promote an Ecology of Meaning. We do this through an interactive learning environment based on film images and stories. In this way, the MovieLearning Foundation promotes inclusivity in thinking and acting, empathetic scope, and sustainability.

Manfred van Doorn
Keynote speaker | Leadership trainer | Author | Board member
References & testimonials
The MovieLearning site is a fantastic tool for implementing our values and for giving shape and content to leadership development.
Erik van 't Hof
Executive Board Member at Pon Holdings
What an inspiring day! I feel enriched to have been a part of this.
Marc van den Hoop
Coach en thesis supervisor
We completed the two MovieLearning trainings with great pleasure and success. With this highly visual way of learning, we offer our pedagogical guides a new ‘toolbox’ with various interventions for familiar parenting situations. Combined with the theoretical framework that clearly illustrates areas of tension and parenting balances, family home parents can immediately apply what they have learned to their daily practice. The impactful film clips touch you and truly immerse you in the world of children and young people with a troubled past. The guides indicate that they have learned to look more sensitively beyond certain behaviours of children and that they have gained more behavioural interventions at their disposal. I wish everyone who is professionally involved in the upbringing and development of children and young people could experience such a MovieLearning programme.
Mariënne Verhoef
Member of the Board of Directors of the Levvel Foundation
We specifically chose to do the in-company Double Healix Triple-T Team Development training, because team development based on film images has added value. Images are a lot more impactful; you recognize situations, things are easier to discuss. It sticks much better. The movie material is also specifically chosen by the trainers to fit the case you present them with.
Ramona Hoekman
Board member at Vestia Real estate
When I get nervous and insecure before having to give a presentation, I think back to that fragment from Commander in Chief in which Geena Davis is president. Then, I feel my back stretch like she plays that role, and a vigilant calm washes over me.
Sylvia Mastenbroek
Double Healix Board member
Experiences of some of the participants:
– Manfred is a fascinating speaker who made me think about a lot of things!
– A lecture in which the world of opposites was poured into a practical model, as a parent it gave me direction to better interpret the world, this strengthened my relationship with myself and with others.
– Manfred sketched a holistic picture of the sustainability problem and gave good handles to deal with it on an individual level.
– Manfred takes you into his story with image fragments and appeals to all your senses and especially your feelings.
– Thanks for the beautiful evening!
Annet Bakels
Oprichter Ouderacademie Vrijescholen Heerlen e.o.
Manfred van Doorn tells me in his stories that we humans should deal with the earth and the nature around us in a different way. Taking responsibility in the things that are thrown into our laps, because there is no other way. What I find particularly strong about him, among other things, is that he does not create a belief or a conviction in order to achieve change, but that he appeals to the philosophical man in you and challenges you to your deep thoughts so that you can go into your self in total freedom and determine what you think. Whatever it is, whatever you discover. And that brings real change. I would like leaders with character like Manfred van Doorn to watch over the world.
Renáta Horenová
Entrepreneur Advice and guidance sustainable and organic food projects
Using MovieLearning takes the conversation to a whole different level. This starts a fundamental change in the organisation
Merle van der Voorde
Innovation advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Encouraging intuition and empathy through film fragments gives positive energy, it feels good!
Sara Rosenthal
Owner Rosenthal Interiors & Partnersa
Nice mix of Movie material and theory
Nicoline de Smit
Partner - De Smit advocaten search
Very inspiring, sharpening, challenging, lifting me up.
Iris Deuss
Systemic therapist at Juvent Youth Care, trainer, coach
The training in the Double Healix model has brought me a great deal. Every training day brought me joy as it provided me with insights and tools. I use the model daily in various areas of life: personally, in raising my children, in coaching employees and teams, and in observing organisations. The different phases, paradoxes, and levels guide my thinking and actions, leading me to different interventions. The visual support with film clips touches deeply in the heart. A very inspiring and activating training, which also brings stillness and sparks ideas!
Irene den Ouden
Team coach at Juvent Youth Care
Enriching, in more ways than I thought possible beforehand, and maybe even in more ways than I now can think of.
Lonneke Rhodens
Brandmanager Willem & Drees organic products
This training has brought me focus on what more I can do. It is an enriching training, indispensable for those who want to take a deeper look at themselves, their relationships, their team, or their organisation!
Frans Duynstee
Lid Raad v Commissarissen Abiant Uitzendgroep
Necessary for every leader who takes themselves seriously. And also for leaders who do not, of course…
Eric Verwaal
General Secretary of H.M. the King and H.M. the Queen
Inspiring day with new insights. I now know that the Dagger phase has been my ‘blessing in disguise’. Grateful!
Marie-José van den Hoogenband
Real estate agent
The first one-day training with a revenue of a whole week. A whirlwind that brings down enough dust.
Jeroen Kaldenhoven
Ministerie van BZK - MD programma-manager, teamcoach
The overview of all team phases and polarities in the Double Healix model made a lot of sense. Suddenly I saw who plays which role and why, in teams, in my work, but also in my private life. I now understand better why some people react aversively to each other, how they can work out their differences and find common ground. The model greatly helps me to frame this dynamic.
Monica Bakker
Comenius - Programma Manager Leadership Courses
The most inspiring and fun training I have ever attended.
Cynthia de Jongh
UWV - Projectsecretaris Herontwerp bedrijfsprocessen
As the Supervisory Board of Abiant, we invest periodically in our development. After evaluation of various parties, we have chosen Double Healix as our partner. Not only because of their great development model, but also because of their inspiring people. The two-day in-company training was excellent.
Frans Duynstee
Abiant - Supervisory Board
A wonderful day, on which many facets of leadership are discussed in a surprising way.
Anouk Kooijmans
CEO Nomads, trainer, coach
Insanely inspiring seminar! Nice to reflect on female leadership in this way: film images, personal reflection and more!
Marsha Bolk
Projectleader changemanagement Nederlandse Spoorwegen
How I enjoyed it! A nice balance between information, inspiration, knowledge sharing and frank collective learning. All this on the basis of images from movies and role models. That made it all come to life much faster. Awesome!
Lotte Geertsen
Manager Entrepreneurial Lab TMC
During my management training at Rabobank I followed a training from Manfred van Doorn. I was deeply impressed by his stories and the MovieLearning approach.
Annemieke Nennie
Lead People Analytics & Insights - Rabobank
I really appreciated the various training courses Manfred van Doorn gave at Guidion as well as the Double Healix course that I followed afterwards.
Maarten Roerink
CEO DPS services, former CEO Guidion
Had a great Double Healix in one day! The possibilities and inspiration are vibrating through me uncontrollably! Last night I took ‘The Atlas’ (Het wiel opnieuw uitvinden, sic) out of the cellophane and opened it up. After 2 pages I was completely gripped. Groundhog Day, together with Big, is also my favorite movie. The description based on the Double Healix model was a storm of insights. Lovely! Overwhelming!
Ronald Spijkerman
Coach en (transitie) manager
What an inspiring day, I feel very fortunate to have been there.
Marc van den Hoop
Coach en thesis supervisor
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