Flip the webinar: Team development

Do you want to get ahead with your team, and is online learning the most practical and useful way for your team or organization at this time? Then schedule the in-company online training Flip the Webinar about Team Development!

Flip it… three times
When taking part in a Flip the Webinar, the participants get access to the inspiring way of learning that we offer with MovieLearning prior to the webinar. For Team Development, we have developed the course ‘Managing to become a fine team: The Double Healix Triple-T method’. This course covers the topics Team Phases, Team Roles, Team Leadership and Team Tensions. These topics are discussed further with the trainer during the webinar(s), specifically applying to the practice of the team. Prior to each webinar, the participants watch the movie clips in the corresponding chapter in the course, and during the webinar we translate their experiences to their practice. The dynamic looks like this:

Team Role Profile
During this in-company webinar, each team member receives an individual Team Role Profile that provides insight into personal strengths and development points. By combining the profiles of all team members, it becomes clear where the team’s strengths and weaknesses lie. Good synergy becomes visible, but also the potential areas where results can be improved.

Online course
The online MovieLearning course ‘Managing to become a fine team: The Double Healix Triple-T method’ can be taken as an independent course, but is also part of the in-company training. The course contains clear and inspiring film clips of the Team phases, Team roles and forms of Team leadership, described in the Double Healix model. The course also looks in detail at the areas of tension and polarisation that can arise between team members, and the reconciliations that are possible in the process. All chapters in the course are supplemented by questions and exercises. The combination of online learning and thorough practice ensures long-term results.

Frequently asked questions

Why Double Healix Team Development?
What will you learn?
The programme
Why Double Healix Team Development?

A team functions optimally if team members can tailor their unique contribution to the phase the team is in. The synergy is optimal when team phase, team role and team leadership are aligned. Double Healix combines these three elements into a complete and fine-meshed approach. We cover the universal phases that every team goes through and the team roles that are required in each team. Because your team members complete a Triple-T Team Role Assessment, you discover which roles they fill in your team and how they interact with each other. Going through the team profile with your team helps to make even better use of the strengths and to avoid pitfalls.

What will you learn?
  • The team members learn to recognise which phase their team is in, making them better able to see what is needed now, and also what will be needed in the next phase.
  • They learn to recognise which competences and team role(s) team members have, and in which phase their competences can best flourish.
    They learn to better understand the cause, as well as the usefulness, of tensions between team members.
  • They see which team roles are well represented in the team, and where the team still falls short.
  • The team leader (but actually all team members) learns to optimise their own interactions with the team.
The programme

Week 1
The team members are by email welcomed by the trainer. Invitation to start the online MovieLearning course, chapter 1: Team phases.

Week 2
Webinar 1: Team phases. What phase is this team in? What is needed to live through this phase properly, and what will come in the future?

Week 3
All team members create a Team Role Profile and take Chapter 2 about Team Roles in the MovieLearning course.

Week 4
Webinar 2: Team Roles. We conduct an extensive analysis of the dynamics within this team, how the team roles match the team phases, and what can be optimized.

Week 5
The team members take chapter 3 in the MovieLearning course, about Team Leadership (which is not only about the formal leader of the team).

Week 6
Webinar 3: Team leadership. How can we use formal and informal leadership in this team in such a way that the team achieves its best performance?

Week 7
The team members take chapter 4 in the MovieLearning course, about Tension Fields, Polarisation and reconciliation.

Week 8
Webinar 4: Tension Fields. About the pros and cons of tensions, the prevention of polarisations and searching for reconciliations.
During the whole training we use cases from the real life situation of the team, but during this last webinar we spend some extra time on safeguarding the results of the training for future practice.

The Double Healix model

The Double Healix Model offers a unique and integral vision for the development of leadership. Within this, there is focus on both the personal development of leaders, and the team, organisational, and societal context in which they operate. The model has three important components: phases, levels, and tension fields.


De online MovieLearning course ‘Teamontwikkeling in Beeld’ kan als zelfstandige course worden gevolgd, maar maakt ook deel uit van de incompany training. De course bevat heldere filmfragmenten van alle Teamfasen, Teamrollen en vormen van Teamleiderschap, aangevuld met vragen en oefeningen om in de praktijk aan de slag te gaan. De combinatie van online leren en in de praktijk oefenen zorgt voor langetermijn resultaat.



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